Tag Archives: 3

Backlots is 3!

3 years ago today, on St. Patrick’s Day of 2011, I decided to create a film blog. I was studying in Paris, and in need of a creative outlet in English that related to my love of classic film. I had no idea what it took to maintain a blog, and no idea how long it would last. But 3 years later, here we are.

What has happened in these past 3 years has been nothing short of remarkable. Backlots has won the CMBA Award, has been profiled in Slate Magazine, and has been honored to receive press credentials to some of the pre-eminent classic film festivals in the world. The blog has featured interviews with some of the key figures in the classic film world today, such as actress Joan Fontaine and authors Victoria Wilson and Kendra Bean.

Maintaining a blog for 3 years takes perseverance, stamina, and an abiding passion for what you do. I love writing this blog, and I have been blessed with the most supportive, intelligent, interactive audience I could ever have hoped for. Some of you I have had the pleasure to meet in person, and some of you I have spoken to only through comments–but my appreciation for each and every one of you is boundless, and I am proud to have you as readers. It is thanks to you that Backlots has become the site it has.

So here’s to you, dear readers, and I can’t wait to see what the next 3 years have in store!

P.S. A bit of housekeeping–stay tuned in the next couple of days for a post about the TCM Classic Film Festival in April. News is coming fast, and we’re expecting the full schedule any day now!